Communists Celebrate the Fourth Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Act and the Declaration of Independence for the Donetsk People’s Republic

Communists Celebrate the Fourth Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Act and the Declaration of Independence for the Donetsk People’s Republic.

«At this time, four years ago, there was one party in the Donetsk region that did not accept the coup d’état in Kiev – and that was the Communist Party. By that time, all the other political parties had disintegrated and collapsed like a house of cards. During the rally of April 6th, the people announced their readiness to hold a congress of political parties and public organizations. We asked the Regional and City Authorities to listen to the will of the people, which never happened. As a result, the people went to the Administration and took it by storm. On April 7th, we asked to hold a meeting of the Regional Council, at which the people would state their demands, but the Regional Council never assembled. Following this, representatives of territorial communities, political parties, and public organizations decided to hold a congress. At this congress — the Act, the Declaration and the decision to approve these documents — were proclaimed. On the eve of the 6th to 7th April, there were no such documents to match this proclamation. The organizers of the rally then appealed to the Communists with a request to prepare them, and I managed to write an Act, a Declaration, and a document with their approval overnight. After that, a course was taken for a Referendum», said First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPDPR Boris Litvinov.