Appeal from the CPDPR to the Communists of the Whole World on the Occasion of May 1st

Dear Comrades

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the occasion of International Solidarity Day of Workers! Today, when US imperialism has increased pressure throughout the world, the solidarity of all anti-imperialist forces is of particular importance. For four years, the people of Donbass have been heroically resisting the pro-American regime in Kiev, thereby expanding the anti-imperialist front alongside Venezuela, Syria and other countries.

The United States of America, which stands behind the backs of Ukrainian oligarchs and fascists, is not just an imperialist state, but a centre of world reaction, whilst Donbass, Syria, and Venezuela are fiercely fighting against this centre — thus providing an invaluable service to the future of World Socialist Revolution. After all, without a weakening of this centre, the victory of the Revolution on the periphery — the so-called «weak link» — is impossible.

Communists are obliged to support all forms of anti-imperialist struggle, and to support all those who are resisting the United States. The more the centres of resistance, the weaker world imperialism becomes. As the great Revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara said, it is necessary to create «many Vietnams». In this regard, we call on all Communists to support the anti-imperialist struggle of Donbass, Syria, and Venezuela!

Proletarians of all countries, unite!

Central Committee of the Communist Party of the DPR