The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Venezuela express its solidarity to the Communist Party of the Donetsk People’s Republic

The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Venezuela wants to express its solidarity to the Communist Party of the Donetsk People’s Republic (KPDNR) in moments of receiving greater aggressions from the anti-Communist forces.

We reject the terrorist attack against the headquarters of the IV Extraordinary Congress that had the objective of frustrating the participation of the Communists in the next elections.

We regret the injured comrades and wish them a speedy recovery.

We are at the time of the intensification of the class struggle, product of the growing capitalist crisis. The working class, the workers of the city and the countryside, and the general people, need their Marxist-Leninist class party to get out of barbarism and reach the socialist-communist society.

Always count on our support with proletarian internationalism.