International Anti-Fascist Forum held in Donetsk People’s Republic

On May 10, the International Anti-Fascist Forum took place in the Donetsk People’s Republic at the initiative of the Communist Party of the DPR. The event took place within the framework of the First May 9th International Solidarity Brigade, which included the communists of the DPR, Russia, Germany, Spain, Turkey, Colombia and Latvia. The brigade members arrived in Donetsk to declare their solidarity with the KPDPR and all the people of Donbass in their struggle against Ukrainian nationalism and world imperialism, the correspondent of the site “Forward” reports. 

The International Anti-Fascist Forum was held in a symbolic place for Donbass communists — Saur-Mogila. It was here that the fierce battles took place against the Nazi invaders in 1943 and the Ukrainian nationalists in 2014. Therefore, in the course of their speeches, forum participants often drew parallels between the Great Patriotic War and the armed conflict in the Donbass. Thus, Renate Koppe, a member of the Central Committee of the German Communist Party (DKP), said that after the defeat of fascism in the 1940s, it should not be allowed to revive in any form today.

Foreign delegates stressed that in their countries, as in Ukraine, there is a growth of fascist forces. In this regard, the communists around the world must unite in order to more effectively confront this threat. Turkish journalist and writer, member of the Labor Party (EMEP) Okay Deprem said that a fascist dictatorship was established in his country, and the living conditions of the working people are deteriorating every year.

Okay Deprem

The event was attended by the Coordinator of the Interbrigade of the Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) Tatyana Desyatova. She began her speech in support of the KPDPF and the people of Donbass with a greeting on behalf of the first secretary of the Central Committee, Valery Rashkin.

Tatyana Desyatova

The warrior-internationalist from Latvia Benes Ayo stressed during the forum that he, like many volunteers from the countries of the former Soviet Union, came to the Donbass to protect his people from Ukrainian aggression. In turn, the Colombian fighter Alexis Castillo emphasized the fact that anti-fascists from all over the world have come to the DPR and the LPR in order to help the people of Donbass confront world imperialism.

Juan José, the representative of the Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE), believes that the Donbass is at the forefront of the struggle against imperialism, and the conflict provoked by Ukraine is a manifestation of its deep crisis.

Juan José

The outcome of the work of the International Anti-Fascist Forum was the adoption of a resolution, which was read out by the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the KPDPF Boris Litvinov. Currently, the document is signed by representatives of 14 political parties and public organizations from 12 countries of the world.

Boris Litvinov

During the forum, Boris Litvinov presented Renate Koppe with a certificate of the site “Forward” as a permanent author of this Internet resource. In turn, the member of the Central Committee of the German Communist Party presented the flag of her party to the communists of the Donetsk People’s Republic. In addition, Stanislav Retinsky, Secretary of the Central Committee of the KPDPR, presented Renate Kopp with several copies of his book on Donbass.

At the end of the event, the communists observed a minute of silence for the dead Soviet soldiers and laid flowers at the Eternal Flame.