The Communist Party of the DPR congratulates communists around the world on the centennial of the Red Army

Dear Comrades

Exactly One hundred years ago, the heroic struggle of the Workers ‘and Peasants’ Red Army began for the liberation of humanity from exploitation. Thanks to the armed detachments of workers and peasants, Socialism prevailed not only in Russia, but also in many countries throughout the world. The Red Army soldiers defeated the White Guards, fascism, and fought against world imperialism.

Unfortunately, the temporary defeat of Socialism in the USSR led to the destruction of the Soviet Red Army, but although that battle was lost, the war is not yet over! Comrades, the great victories of the World Proletariat are still ahead, because the future is for the Victory of Socialism!

The Red Army continues to live today! The struggle against world imperialism did not stop even after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The workers and peasants of Latin America and South-East Asia are fighting this noble war. Contributing to this struggle are the military personnel of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics!

Happy holiday, comrades!

Central Committee of the CPDPR